The allure of a sweet smelling candle has seduced many of us. But, did you know that many candles on the market today are doing you, your family, and your pets more harm than good? Most candles on the market today are made from paraffin wax. Do you know where paraffin comes from? The process of making paraffin wax starts at the bottom of the oil barrel. After petroleum is processed into diesel, gasoline, motor oil, kerosene, and other fuels, the waste that has been rejected by the gasoline industry is then whitened with industrial strength bleach, a few other ingredients are added, and then you have the very wax that is burning inside your homes.
Have you ever noticed black soot around the edge of your candle glass, or on the walls or ceilings in your home? Well, that soot contains some of the same toxins found in diesel fuel- no wonder it leaves a residue on walls, ceilings, fabrics, and ventilation systems. Guess who is breathing it in? Paraffin wax emits 11 known toxins while burning, including toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde, which are known carcinogens. One study, by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that such candles give off emissions that exceed the Environmental Protection Agencys standards for outdoor air quality (let alone indoor air quality!). When we burn paraffin candles we are greatly contributing to indoor air pollution inside our own homes.
If the dangers of using paraffin wax are not enough, many candle manufacturers of both paraffin and “natural” wax candles often choose to use a number of additives that are unhealthy to work with and unhealthy to burn. Many of the common additives used in candle manufacturing include chemical fragrance boosters, color and texture enhancers, UV inhibitors, and wax stabilizers to name a few. They all sound great, other than the fact that they can be quite toxic.
Fragrances can add a wonderful addition to the ambiance of a room, but today's modern fragrances are nothing like the essences once distilled from plants and flowers. Americans are enamored with fragrances, but few know the dangers that can be associated with synthetic fragrances. There are at least 4000 different chemicals used by the fragrance industry today, many of which have never been tested for safety (A single fragrance can contain up to 200-600 individual chemical ingredients). Fragrance sensitivity in the workplace and in the home is on the rise. Have you ever noticed that you feel ill when exposed to certain fragrances? Most synthetic fragrances today are made from petrochemicals, which give off volatile organic compounds (commonly called vocs). These compounds have been known to produce a myraid of allergic reactions including; eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, rash, and damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system, say experts.
In 1986, the national academy of science targeted fragrances as one of the six categories of chemicals that should be given high priority for neurotoxicity testing. The report states that 95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They include benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and many other known toxins and sensitizers which are capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions. "Neurotoxins: At Home and the Workplace" (Report by the Committee on Science and Technology. U.S. House of Representatives, Sept. 16, 1986) [Report 99-827]
It is no wonder that the American Lung Association cautions candle users against prolonged exposure to fragrances and soot for our very young, the elderly, and those with respiratory diseases. Even after banning methylene chloride (a known carcinogen that also causes autoimmune disease) in 1989, an EPA study two years later listed the chemical as one of the 20 most common chemicals found in fragrance products. In a 2001 study, the EPA reported that synthetic fragrances were shown to cause "possible mutagenic and genotoxic effects." Synthetic fragrances have also been shown to contain hormone disruptors which are linked to abnormal cell reproduction and may result in tumor growth. Phthalates are a "family of industrial chemicals that are used as plastic softeners or solvents in many household products" and find their way into fragrance recipes, but are rarely disclosed. Many different personal care products, cosmetics and household products contain these chemicals, which have been shown to damage the liver, the kidneys, the lungs and the reproductive system. (1991 Environmental Protection Agency Paper #A312 Candles and Incense As Potential Sources of Indoor Air Pollution Environmental Protection Agency January 2001.)
It may seem crazy, but the FDA does not even require fragrance manufacturers to disclose the ingredients of synthetic fragrances because these formulas are regarded as "proprietary." Such "proprietary" ingredients commonly include numerous known carcinogens but are protected under the FDA's "trade secret" law. Why do other companies use synthetic fragrances in the first place? Money, of course. Compared to high quality pure essential oils, synthetic fragrance oils are an incredibly cheap way to scent a candle. Many people either are naive to the dangers that synthetic chemical- based fragrances pose, or they just dont care to share it with you.
The sad part is that since many companies are looking to appear more natural or green in their marketing, they often will market the fact that their product is made with essential oils, but realize that this often translates into a small amount of essential oil added to their petrochemical based synthetic fragrances. Thus, resulting in the a candle that still contains the hazards of synthetic fragrance, with no aromatherapy benefits.
So, what exactly what is AROMATHERAPY and how does it all work? (Click here for more >>)
Pure Light candles are made from our own exclusive organic coconut wax, pure essential oils, and an textile-grade cotton wick. That is it, pure and simple. No petroleum products, no synthetic fragrances, no chemical dyes, no lead wicks, and no carcinogens!
We are firmly committed to disclosing all of our ingredients and believe that in keeping it simple, we are creating healthier products with integrity and honesty. At Pure Light, "Clean, Natural, Healthy", is more than a motto, it is a lifestyle. We are incredibly passionate about our candles and receive great joy in creating a healthy glowing flame, one that promotes a healthy lifestyle and a greener earth! So, rest assured and breathe easy, and know that while burning a PURE LIGHT organic coconut wax candle, you too the path to a brighter future!

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